Tips for Making Wellness a Part of Daily Life

6 Min Read

By Karen A. Gastiaboro, Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker  

With Mental Health Awareness Month underway, many of us are asking ourselves: "What does wellness mean to me? How do I take better care of myself and my mental health?" Personally, I believe that to take care of others, you must take care of yourself! This can be anything from daily self-care rituals to Yoga retreats. As a Yoga teacher myself, I know firsthand how important mental health is to overall wellbeing.

Here are some steps I thought I would share to help you on your path to wellness.

STEP 1 – Breathwork:
Consider starting each day with breathing exercises, like the one we low. By being mindful of how we breathe, we can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and achieve a host of other benefits.

Nadi Shodhana is alternate nostril breathing. The term comes from the Sanskrit term nadi, which means “channel,” and shodhana, meaning “cleaning” or “purifying.”

  • Sit in a comfortable position on a cushion, block, or chair. With a long spine, heart nice and lifted, and eyes gently closed.
  • Next simply take your index and middle finger slightly above and between your eyes.
  • Place your thumb on your right nostril to gently close it and, inhale through your left nostril. Then, gently close your left nostril with your ring finger and release your thumb to exhale through the right nostril. Repeat this several times (around 10 for each nostril), and when finished, release your hand and breathe normally.
  • Reverse your positioning and repeat the above exercise.

STEP 2 – Mind/Meditation:

I remember my early days of trying to meditate. I’d be lucky if I could sit for two minutes, let alone 20 or 30! I used to think meditating meant shutting down the chatty voice in my head, but it’s important to let your thoughts flow. There is no such thing as a blank mind.

  • Get into a comfortable seated position with a long spine, shoulders on the back body, heart nice and lifted, eyes gently closed.
  • Start with the breath, simply inhaling and exhaling. Taking long deep inhales through the nose with lips closed and long deep exhales through the mouth.
  • You can then start to introduce your mantra (a word or sound repeated to aid concentration).

STEP 3 – Basic Yoga Practice:

Here is a simple Yoga exercise—known as a sun salutation—you can try in the comfort of home, ideally in the morning.

  • Tadasana/Mountain Pose – simply stand at the front of your mat, with feet hip-width apart and firmly on the ground. Place your palms at your side facing forward, and keep your heart lifted. This pose helps improve posture and coordination, and is great for circulation. It also strengthens the back, hips, and legs.
  • Uttanasana/Standing Forward Bend – Inhale as you raise both arms up, spine nice and long, and relax your shoulders. As you exhale, fold forward gracefully while swinging your arms out and down to the floor. If your body is still waking up, slightly bend the knees, with fingertips down to the floor. If this is not doable for you, simply place hands on your shins or thighs. Benefits: lengthens spine and loosens tight hamstrings.
  • Ardha Uttanasana/Half Forward Fold – In a forward fold, inhale halfway up into an L shape while keeping a long spine, and when you exhale, fold forward. This exercise stimulates the abdominal organs and helps promote good digestion.
  • Adho Mukha Svanasana/Downward Dog – With palms securely planted on the floor, step back to downward dog. Look at your navel, and slowly straighten your legs without locking while bringing your heels towards the floor. Relax your head and gaze slightly past your hands. Take 3 slow long inhales and exhales. Benefits: Elongates the spine, strengthens hands, wrists, and fingers. Relieves tension and stress.
  • Phalakasana/Plank Pose – From the previous pose, inhale while moving forward into a plank (feel free to drop the knees here until you build your core) and exhale as you slowly come down to the mat/floor. Think of this as a reverse pushup.
  • Bhujangasana/Cobra Pose – As you inhale while gently pressing your palms into the floor, raise your head and lead your heart forward, bringing your shoulder blades together. Come into a mini-backbend with hips on the floor and pressing your toes into the mat igniting the legs and upper thighs. Benefits: strengthens the spine, tones the buttocks, opens heart and lungs, and soothes sciatica.  
  • Inhale and repeat the downward dog pose while lifting the hips and taking 3 full breaths.
  • On the exhale, walk your feet towards the front of your mat. Inhale and rise your arms up to the sky while lengthening the spine relaxing the shoulders.
  • Exhale, and bring your palms together in front of the heart.

If repeated a few times, up to 15 minutes, this simple exercise can change the course of your day.

World Yoga Center/
This is where I teach Restorative Yoga on Friday nights from 7-8:15pm, resting and working the parasympathetic nervous system. We are on the floor the whole time with bolsters, blankets, blocks, and straps. Usually, we work through 4 poses. I sometimes like to think of it as a mini nap.

Use code: RESTOREWITHKAREN for $5 off your first class.

And while there are other external things that can complement our wellness, there is no replacement for the journey within. We are complex beings trying to find our way home. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions about this process, I would be delighted to have a conversation with you.

Recommended Meditation Apps:
Insight Timer

Connect with Karen A. Gastiaboro and view her current listings here. 

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