Pillay NYC
Brown Harris Stevens Real Estate Agent Astrid Pillay NYC

Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker
Office: 445 Park Avenue
[email protected]
o: 212-381-2262

About Astrid


#1 Top Agent in 2020, BHS East Side Office
Ranked as one of 2019 America’s Best Real Estate Agents by Real Trends
Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker
Member, Real Estate Board of New York
Certified Negotiation Expert
Senior Certified Relocation Agent

Markets: New York City and The Hamptons
Languages Spoken: Arabic, Armenian, English, Hebrew, French, Italian
Top Producing Broker, East Side Office: 2013-2015, 2018-2020 (Halstead Real Estate)
Member: Diamond Circle, Platinum Circle, Producers' Council (Halstead Real Estate)

Featured by the Wall Street Journal and REAL Trends as "Top Real Estate Agent in New York"With over 20 years in the business of...

#1 Top Agent in 2020, BHS East Side Office
Ranked as one of 2019 America’s Best Real Estate Agents by Real Trends
Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker
Member, Real Estate Board of New York
Certified Negotiation Expert
Senior Certified Relocation Agent

Markets: New York City and The Hamptons
Languages Spoken: Arabic, Armenian, English, Hebrew, French, Italian
Top Producing Broker, East Side Office: 2013-2015, 2018-2020 (Halstead Real Estate)
Member: Diamond Circle, Platinum Circle, Producers' Council (Halstead Real Estate)

Featured by the Wall Street Journal and REAL Trends as "Top Real Estate Agent in New York"With over 20 years in the business of real estate, Astrid is one of Brown Harris Stevens’ highest grossing brokers with well over $500 million in sales. Astrid also has an extensive record of very high-end rentals.

Astrid works with private clients either buying or selling homes for their personal use or for investment as well as with corporate investors who buy and renovate or develop properties for sale or rental. The latter seek her out because of her knowledge of the market and for her professional advice and sales acumen. Her long experience in the business enables her to provide sound advice to her clients equipping them to navigate the complexities of New York's co-op boards. The bulk of her business is based on long-term relationships of trust with her clients who know that she is looking out for their best interests. She estimates that 90 percent of her business is due to repeat clients and referrals. Her sales and rentals have ranged from condo and co-op apartments, through brownstones and townhouses, to lofts and multi-unit buildings purchased primarily for investment.

In addition to New York City, Astrid covers high-end sales and rentals in the Hamptons where she has a home. She has advised clients on the purchase, rental, renovation, construction, and sale of homes.

Astrid works with a small team of associates to ensure that her clients' needs are tended to 24/7—a factor that is very important for her large number of international clients, most of whom reside in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. She says: "My clients demand, and have the right to demand, service and support at all times—through the weekend and late in the evenings. I ensure that I provide my clients reliable, timely service with unparalleled attention to detail.”

Astrid is known for her encyclopedic knowledge of buildings in Manhattan's dynamic and constantly changing market. Drawing on Brown Harris Stevens’ extensive information systems, she provides her clients with sound advice on pricing. She says that “determining the correct price is of crucial importance when either buying or selling a property. Failure to be realistic often leads to disappointment. Sound analysis of comparators that have traded based on real information is always of crucial importance to achieving our goals.”

Astrid understands the importance of effective marketing:

“Brown Harris Stevens has the best marketing team in the business and I customize a marketing strategy for each property based on its characteristics, focusing mainly on print and web-based publications that have wide readerships, professional photography, attractive and professional videos for high-end properties, and an assortment of print advertising including brochures. I am also a believer in virtual staging to provide clients with a better sense of the potential of properties." She monitors the performance of each form of marketing to ascertain whether it is reaching the correct clientele and adjusts her approach accordingly.

Before coming to the real estate business, Astrid was a partner in a successful international consulting firm and had served as the Country Director of Save the Children, Norway (Redd Barna) in Cambodia. She has a Master's Degree in Public Health (MPH) from Columbia University in New York specializing in maternal and child health, and has worked for various international organizations in China, Thailand, Sudan, and the U.S.

Verulam Farm

445 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10022

استريد بيلاي

من كبار الوكلاء المعتمدين لترتيب عمليات الانتقال إلى أماكن جديدة

نادي منتجي هَلستيد، 2003

جائزة Platinum Circle لعام 2003

لقد أعطت استريد بيلاي لهَلستيد دفعة قوية بالنسبة لمجال العقارات ومعرفة شاملة فيما يخص المباني السكنية في المدينة. وحيث أنها قامت بالتنقل بين العديد من بلدان العالم مرات عديدة، فإن استريد على دراية بشكل كبير باحتياجات عملائها. "إن هدفي هو جعل عملية الانتقال سهلة وفعالة بقدر الإمكان. وأنا على دراية بما يمر به الوافدون الجدد وأبذل قصارى جهدي لمساعدتهم في تحقيق ما يصبون إليه. وأقوم بمنتهى العناية ببحث القوائم ومعرفة المباني التابعة لنا وأتأكد من أن عملائنا قد حصلوا على صفقة مناسبة للشقق التي تروق لهم لهم".

استريد بيلاي حاصلة على شهادة الماجستير في الصحة العامة من جامعة كولومبيا بنيويورك وقد قامت بالسفر إلى جميع أنحاء العالم وقد كانت تعمل وتعيش في إسرائيل وإيطاليا والسودان والصين وهونج كونج وكمبوديا وتايلاند والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. وبجانب تحدثها للغة الإنجليزية، فهي تتحدث أيضاً الفرنسية والعربية والعبرية والأرمينية والإيطالية. ومع إدارة عملها الخاص في مجال الاستشارات الدولية، فهي على دراية تامة بما تتوقعه الشركات من العاملين لديها. وكما تقول استريد، "في مدينة مثل نيويورك تكون مهنتك جزءاً هاماً للغاية من حياتك ولكن المهارة هنا هي الموازنة بين ذلك وبين احتياجاتك الأخرى — مثل إلحاق الأطفال بالمدارس ودخول دور المسرح والسينما والمطاعم والمنشآت الرياضية، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر". وتفتخراستريدبقدرتها على العمل مع عملائها لكي تلم تماماً بأفضل الترتيبات ملائمًة لكافة الجوانب الخاصة بأنماط الحياة لعملائها.

445 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10022

Astrid Pillay

2003 Négociatrice Senior chargée du relogement

2003 Halstead’s Producers Club

2003 Platinum Circle

Astrid Pillay apporte à Halstead sa passion pour l’immobilier et une connaissance étendue de l’urbanisme résidentiel de la ville. Ayant elle-même déménagé de nombreuses fois, et ce dans le monde entier, Astrid est très sensible aux besoins de ses clients. « Mon but est de rendre la transition aussi simple et efficace que possible. Je comprends ce que les nouveaux arrivants traversent et je fais de mon mieux pour les aider à obtenir ce qu’ils souhaitent. Je mets toute ma fierté à parcourir les listings, à connaître mes immeubles et à m’assurer que nos clients obtiennent un prix raisonnable pour les appartements qui leur conviennent ».

Astrid Pillay a obtenu une Maîtrise de Santé Publique à l’Université Columbia de New York, a voyagé à travers le monde, et a vécu et travaillé en Israël, Italie, Soudan, Chine, Hong Kong, Cambodge, Thaïlande et aux Etats-Unis. Hormis l’anglais, Astrid parle français, arabe, hébreu, arménien et italien. Elle a monté sa propre entreprise de conseil international et par conséquent, est parfaitement au fait de ce qu’une entreprise attend de ses employés. Comme elle le dit elle-même : « dans une ville telle que New York, votre carrière prend une place  extrêmement importante dans votre vie, mais la difficulté est d’arriver à la concilier avec vos autres besoins (l’éducation des enfants, le théâtre, le cinéma, les restaurants, les salles de sport, pour n’en citer que quelques uns) ». Astrid éprouve beaucoup de fierté quant à son aptitude à travailler avec ses clients et comprendre exactement ce qui correspond le mieux à toutes les facettes de leur mode de vie.

445 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10022

אסטריד פילאי

2003 תעודת סוכנת בכירה לענייני העברת מגורים (relocation)

2003 מועדון התפוקה של האלסטד

2003 חוג הפלטינה

אסטריד פילאי מביאה להאלסטד להיטות לענייני נדל"ן וידע נרחב בנוגע לבנייני המגורים בעיר. אסטריד עצמה החליפה מקום מגורים ברחבי העולם מספר רב של פעמים, והיא רגישה ביותר לצורכי לקוחותיה. "מטרתי היא להביא לכך שהמעבר יהיה קל ויעיל ככל האפשר. אני מבינה מה עובר על אנשים המגיעים הנה לראשונה ואני עושה ככל שביכולתי לעזור להם להשיג את מה שהם רוצים. אני מתגאה ביכולתי לבצע חיפושים ברישומי הנכסים, בהיכרותי את הבניינים שלי, ובכך שאני מוודאת כי הלקוחות שלנו מקבלים עסקה במחיר סביר – בדירות הנוחות להם".

אסטריד פילאי מחזיקה בתואר שני בתחום רפואה ציבורית מטעם אוניברסיטת קולומביה שבניו יורק. היא טיילה ברחבי העולם והתגוררה בישראל, איטליה, סודן, סין, הונג קונג, קמבודיה, תאילנד וארה"ב. מלבד אנגלית, אסטריד מדברת גם צרפתית, ערבית, עברית, ארמנית ואיטלקית. מכיוון שהיא ניהלה עסק בינלאומי משל עצמה, בתחום הייעוץ, היא מודעת מאוד לציפיות של חברות ממועסקיהם. כפי שאסטריד עצמה אומרת, "בעיר כמו ניו יורק, הקריירה שלך היא חלק חשוב מאוד מחייך, אבל הפטנט הוא לאזן אותה עם צרכיך האחרים – לימודי הילדים, גישה לתיאטרון, לקולנוע, למסעדות ולמכוני כושר, אם למנות רק חלק מהם." אסטריד מתגאה ביכולתה לעבוד עם לקוחותיה כדי להבין מה בדיוק מתאים לאורח החיים של לקוחותיה, על כל צדדיו.

445 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10022

Astrid Pillay

2003 Agente certificato senior di rialloggio

2003 Halstead’s Producers Club

2003 Platinum Circle

Astrid Pillay apporta ad Halstead la passione per la professione di agente immobiliare ed una vasta conoscenza degli immobili residenziali in città.  Avendo viaggiato in lungo e in largo attraverso il mondo, Astrid ha acquisito una spiccata sensibilità alle necessità dei clienti. "Il mio obiettivo è di assicurare che la transizione avvenga nel più semplice ed efficace dei modi. Comprendo che i nuovi arrivati brancolano un po’ nel buio, quindi faccio del mio meglio per aiutarli ad ottenere quello che vogliono.  Considero una questione d’onore ricercare gli elenchi di immobili da vendere, conoscere bene quelli che farò visitare, per fare in modo che i miei clienti ottengano gli appartamenti che desiderano a condizioni convenienti".

Astrid Pillay ha un Masters degree in Salute Pubblica ottenuto presso la Columbia University di New York, ha viaggiato molto attraverso il mondo ed ha vissuto e lavorato  in Israele, Italia, Sudan, Cina, Hong Kong, Cambogia, Tailandia e U.S.A. Oltre all’inglese, Astrid conosce il francese, l’arabo, l’ebraico, l’armeno e l’italiano. Avendo gestito la sua propria azienda di consulting internazionale essa è ben cosciente di quello che le aziende si attendono dai loro dipendenti. Come essa stessa dice, "in una città come New York, la carriera rappresenta una parte molto importante della vostra vita, ma il segreto è di trovare un equilibrio  tra essa ed altre esigenze – la scuola dei figli, la frequentazione di teatri, cinema, ristoranti, impianti di fitness, giusto per citarne alcune". Astrid è fiera della sua capacità di lavorare con i clienti, al fine di trovare soluzioni che si adattino alle diverse sfaccettature del loro stile di vita.

445 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10022

Awards & Recognition

Silver Circle | BHS Hamptons 2023

#5 Top Producer 2022 - Bridgehampton Office

Current Listings

53 West 53rd Street, Midtown West, NYC - 1 Bedrooms  
1.5 Bathrooms  
3.5 Rooms - Previous PhotoNext Photo1 of 9
53 West 53rd Street
Midtown West
1 BR  |  1.5 BA  |  3.5 RM
Astrid Pillay NYC  (212) 381-2262
1600 Broadway 10C, Midtown West, NYC - 2 Bedrooms  
2 Bathrooms  
5 Rooms - Previous PhotoNext Photo1 of 12
1600 Broadway, 10C
Midtown West
2 BR  |  2 BA  |  5 RM
Astrid Pillay NYC  (212) 381-2262
310 East 53rd Street 19B, Midtown East, NYC - 3 Bedrooms  
3 Bathrooms  
4.5 Rooms - Previous PhotoNext Photo1 of 11
310 East 53rd Street, 19B
$12,000 MO.
Midtown East
3 BR  |  3 BA  |  4.5 RM
Astrid Pillay NYC  (212) 381-2262

Past Closings

The following is a list of selected sold properties in which the agent has represented the seller, the buyer, or both:


Current Market Reports

Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report

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