Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker
[email protected]
o: 212-588-5628
m: 917-587-3064
Highly educated, sophisticated and cosmopolitan (A Fulbright scholar with a doctorate in English Literature), Jasna brings a wealth of experience, knowledge and enthusiasm to her real estate career. With characteristic ease and charm, she has translated her experience as an accomplished educator, scholar and administrator into a stellar real estate career.
A successful and top producing broker, Jasna considers real estate to be her most satisfying and fulfilling professional experience. She approaches every transaction with exemplary proficiency, researches her deals meticulously and works easily with clients, brokers, attorneys, cooperative boards, and lending institutions in order to ensure successful outcomes. While...
Highly educated, sophisticated and cosmopolitan (A Fulbright scholar with a doctorate in English Literature), Jasna brings a wealth of experience, knowledge and enthusiasm to her real estate career. With characteristic ease and charm, she has translated her experience as an accomplished educator, scholar and administrator into a stellar real estate career.
A successful and top producing broker, Jasna considers real estate to be her most satisfying and fulfilling professional experience. She approaches every transaction with exemplary proficiency, researches her deals meticulously and works easily with clients, brokers, attorneys, cooperative boards, and lending institutions in order to ensure successful outcomes. While her knowledge of current market conditions, marketing and advertising capabilities, and understanding of the information and service aspects of the industry have contributed to her success, her integrity, high ethical standards, and business savvy have earned Jasna a superlative reputation among clients and colleagues.
Jasna is a member of the Real Estate Board of New York and numerous professional committees and organizations; she is listed in Who’s Who in the World.
If you are looking for a real estate professional who is fully conversant with the complexities of real estate transactions, communicates effectively and delivers promptly, make a SMART CHOICE, call Jasna.
Jasna je veoma obrazovana, bistroumna i kozmopolitska (dobila je stipendiju u okviru Fulbrajtovog programa i apsolvirala doktorat iz engleske literature) i u svojoj karijeri na podrucju nekretnina donosi bogato iskustvo, znanje i oduševljenost. Sebi svojstvenom lakocom i šarmom prenijela je svoje iskustvo, koje je pridobila kao priznati prosvjetni radnik, istraživac i organizator, u zvjezdanu karijeru na podrucju nekretnina.
Sa položaja uspješnog i najproduktivnijeg posrednika, smatra Jasna svoj posao sa nekretninama za svoje veliko zadovoljstvo i najviše inspirativno profesionalno iskustvo. Kod svake transakcije pristupa sa primjernom profesionalnošcu, svoje trgovine kontrolira vrlo brižljivo i spremno suraduje sa klijentima, posrednicima, pravnim predstavnicima, predstavništvima zadruga, institucijama, nudeci kredite, kako bi osigurala uspješne rezultate. Zatim su njenom uspjehu doprinijeli poznavanje aktualnih tržišnih uvjeta, marketinške i reklamne sposobnosti i razumijevanje aspekata industrije u odnosu na informacije i službe, njena poštenost, visoki moralni standardi i trgovacka znanja, stvorili su Jasni najbolji ugled medu njenim klijentima i kolegama.
Jasna je clanica njujorške uprave nekretnina i niza strucnih odbora i organizacija; navedena je u publikaciji; Tko je tko u svijetu.
Ako Vam je potreban strucnjak za nekretnine, koji je savršeno vješt u kompliciranijim transakcijama pri prometu sa nekretninama, efikasno komunicira i ima trenutne rezultate, IZABERITE MUDRO i pozovite Jasnu.
Très cultivée, sophistiquée et cosmopolite (elle est universitaire Fullbright et possède un doctorat en littérature anglaise), Jasna enrichit sa carrière dans l'immobilier de son expérience, de ses connaissances et de son enthousiasme. Avec l'aisance et le charme qui lui sont propres, elle a métamorphosé son expérience d'enseignante accomplie, d'universitaire et d'administratrice en une carrière météorique dans l'immobilier.
Comme agent faisant partie du peloton de tête au niveau des résultats, Jasna estime que l'immobilier constitue pour elle l'expérience professionnelle la plus enrichissante et la plus épanouissante. Elle aborde chaque transaction avec une compétence exemplaire, effectue des recherches méticuleuses pour chaque affaire et procède ensuite avec aisance dans ses contacts avec les clients, les agents, les avocats, les conseils d'administration de coopératives et les organismes de prêt afin d'obtenir un résultat heureux. Certes, sa connaissance des conditions du marché actuel, ses compétences en marketing et en publicité et sa compréhension des aspects de la profession qui concernent l'information et les prestations ont contribué à son succès ; mais c'est son intégrité, ses normes déontologiques élevées et sa compétence en affaires qui ont valu à Jasna une réputation exceptionnelle auprès de ses clients et de ses collègues.
Jasna est membre du Conseil de l'immobilier de New York et de nombreux comités et organisations professionnels, son nom se trouve dans le Who's Who in the World.
Si vous cherchez un professionnel de l'immobilier qui soit enttièrement au courant des complexités inhérentes aux transactions immobilières, qui sache communiquer efficacement et qui obtienne rapidement des résultats, faites le BON CHOIX, appelez Jasna.
Con la sua elevata cultura, la sua eleganza e la sua visione cosmopolita (ha frequentato la Fulbright ottenendo un dottorato in letteratura inglese), Jasna apporta una ventata di esperienza, conoscenze ed entusiasmo alla sua carriera in campo immobiliare. Con le sue caratteristiche buone maniere e il suo fascino, essa ha trasfuso la sua esperienza di insegnante, scolara e amministratrice in una brillante carriera nel settore immobiliare.
Un agente di successo e con un'ottima produzione, Jasna considera l'immobiliare come l'esperienza più soddisfacente e riuscita della sua vita. Essa affronta ogni transazione con un impegno esemplare, conduce l'affare con meticolosità e lavora senza problemi con clienti, agenti, avvocati, consigli di coproprietà e istituti di finanziamento per ottenere risultati soddisfacenti. Anche se la sua conoscenza aggiornata delle condizioni del mercato, le sua capacità di marketing e pubblicità, e la sua assimilazione degli aspetti informativi e di servizio di questo settore commerciale, abbiano certamente contribuito al suo successo, le sue qualità di integrità, etica professionale e senso pratico le hanno fatto guadagnare una superlativa reputazione tra clienti e colleghi.
Jasna è un membro del Real Estate Board di New York e di numerosi comitati e organizzazioni professionali ed è citata nella pubblicazione Who's Who in the World.
Se cercate un professionista del mercato immobiliare a suo agio con le complessità delle transazioni immobiliari, che ha un'efficace capacità di comunicazione e assicura immediati risultati, chiamando Jasna fate una SCELTA INTELLIGENTE.
Jasna je vrlo obrazovana, bistroumna i kosmopolitska (dobila je stipendiju u okviru Fulbrajtovog programa i apsolvirala doktorat iz engleske literature) i u svojoj karijeri na podruèju nekretnina donosi bogato iskustvo, znanje i oduševljenje. Sebi svojstvenom lakoæom i šarmom prenela je svoje iskustvo, koje je pridobila kao priznati prosvetni radnik, istraživaè i organizator, u zvezdanu karijeru na podruèju nekretnina.
Sa pozicije uspešnog i najproduktivnijeg posrednika, smatra Jasna svoj posao sa nekretninama za svoje veliko zadovoljstvo i najviše inspirativno profesionalno iskustvo. Kod svake transakcije pristupa sa primernom profesionalnošæu, svoje poslove kontroliše vrlo brižljivo i spremno saraðuje sa klijentima, posrednicima, pravnim predstavnicima, predstavništvima zadruga, institucijama, nudeæi kredite, da bi osigurala uspešne rezultate. Zatim su njenom uspehu doprineli i poznavanje aktuelnih tržišnih uslova, marketinške i reklamne sposobnosti i razumevanje aspekata industrije u odnosu na informacije i službe, njena poštenost, visoki moralni standardi i trgovaèka znanja, stvorili su Jasni najbolji ugled meðu njenim klijentima i kolegama.
Jasna je èlanica Njujorške uprave nekretnina i niza struènih odbora i organizacija, navedena je u publikaciji; Ko je ko u svetu.
Ako Vam je potreban struènjak za nekretnine, koji je savršeno vešt u komplikovanim transakcijama pri prometu sa nekretninama, efikasno komunicira i ima trenutne rezultate, IZABERITE MUDRO i pozovite Jasnu.
The following is a list of selected sold properties in which the agent has represented the seller, the buyer, or both:
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All information is from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, prior sale or withdrawal without notice. No representation is made as to the accuracy of any description. All measurements and square footages are approximate and all descriptive information should be confirmed by customer. All rights to content, photographs and graphics are reserved to Brown Harris Stevens. Customer should consult with its counsel regarding all closing and tax costs. Broker represents the seller/owner on Broker's own exclusives, except if another agent of Broker represents the buyer/tenant, in which case Broker will be a dual agent, in Connecticut, or , in New York State and New Jersey, a dual agent with designated or disclosed agents representing seller/owner and buyer/tenant. Broker represents the buyer/tenant when showing the exclusives of other real estate firms. In Florida, Broker acts as a Transaction Broker with all sellers and buyers, unless a different form of agency has been established in writing. If you are looking to purchase or rent housing, are using a screen reader, and are having problems using this website, please call 1-212-712-1163 for assistance. Broker actively supports Fair Housing and Equal Housing Opportunities. BHS has adopted the attached policy statement - Prior to showing a homebuyer a property or providing services: (1) BHS does not require identification from a prospective homebuyer, (2) BHS may require a written agreement from a homebuyer before showing properties; and (3) BHS does not require a pre-approval for a mortgage loan in order to show a homebuyer properties. However, based upon the requirements of the seller, the building in which the properties is located, or others, some or all of the foregoing items may be required. Listing information for certain New York City properties provided courtesy of the Real Estate Board of New York's Residential Listing Service (the "RLS"). The information contained in this listing has not been verified by the RLS and should be verified by the consumer. The listing information provided here is for the consumer's personal, non-commercial use. Retransmission, redistribution or copying of this listing information is strictly prohibited except in connection with a consumer's consideration of the purchase and/or sale of an individual property. This listing information is not verified for authenticity or accuracy and is not guaranteed and may not reflect all real estate activity in the market. 2024 The Real Estate Board of New York, Inc., all rights reserved. RLS Data display by Brown Harris Stevens. Powered by Terra Holdings.