Brown Harris Stevens Real Estate Agent Kathy Tsao

Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker
[email protected]
o: 212-906-9330

East Side
445 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10022

About Kathy


A real estate professional with over 19 years experience – Kathy Tsao delivers the best service possible, enriching clients’ lives emotionally and financially through real estate using her solid values and the highest level of ethical standards and integrity.

Kathy was born in Taiwan and came to the United States with her family. She attended St. John's University and graduated with a Bachelor's degree and continued on to earn her Master's.

She uses her vast knowledge and years of experience in the Manhattan and Queens condominium markets to best serve her clients’ needs by helping them navigate the often...

A real estate professional with over 19 years experience – Kathy Tsao delivers the best service possible, enriching clients’ lives emotionally and financially through real estate using her solid values and the highest level of ethical standards and integrity.

Kathy was born in Taiwan and came to the United States with her family. She attended St. John's University and graduated with a Bachelor's degree and continued on to earn her Master's.

She uses her vast knowledge and years of experience in the Manhattan and Queens condominium markets to best serve her clients’ needs by helping them navigate the often confusing and turbulent real estate. Kathy offers a consultative approach, working closely with buyers and sellers throughout the analytical process of evaluating the market value of properties, enhancing their experience throughout the real estate acquisition process with her knowledge and insight. Kathy is fluent in three Chinese dialects. She speaks Mandarin, Taiwanese & Cantonese allowing her to serve the growing Asian demand for residential real estate in New York City.

Kathy has cultivated a vast international clientele, focused on acquiring luxury condominiums, investments and single family to multi-family properties in New York City. She is always accessible to clients who in turn, have helped her business grow through referrals.

When it comes to helping her clients gain the most rewards from the sale of their properties, she uses great skill in negotiating and advising, marketing, and positioning properties for sale to achieve the highest sales price.

Kathy believes "knowledge is power," which drives her interest in attending training seminars. Her impeccable training and reputation have earned her coveted positions in several renowned Real Estate Associations. Most recently she served as the 2012 Chair of the Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA). Kathy also served as an Advisor for the Chinese American Real Estate Association in New York City and is a member of Fédération Internationale des Administrateurs de Biens Conseils et Agents Immobiliers (FIABCI). In order to improve the quality of her service, she attends many regional, national and international training, along with business meetings.

Volunteer work is very important in her life. She is very thankful for the many great opportunities the real estate industry has provided. Being a volunteer leader with AREAA is her way of giving back and helping a generation of hopeful homeowners realize their dreams. Her basic philosophy in both real estate and her personal life is the same: "I'll get everything in life if I help others get what they want first." She is looking forward to meeting you.

曹凯西 Kathy Tsao具有18年以上房地产专业工作的经验,是纽约曼哈顿的房地产专家,同时也兼顾纽约其他各区;她拥有庞大的国际客群,专精豪华共同公寓、一家庭与多家庭式的物产、已及不动产之投资与开发。凯西坚守「知识就是力量」的信仰,竭尽所能并充份运用她的专业经验以完美达成交易,因此她仍经常参加一些训练课程─此外她还尽可能大量阅读业务相关资讯、参加全国性及国际性的大型会议、以便温故而知新。凯西于少年时即随父母亲移民到美国,在圣约翰大学取得医疗实验科技的专业学位,随后又在纽约理工学院获得企业管理硕士学位。自从单任华美地产商会会长 (2007-2009) 及全美亚裔房地产协会2012主席后,更积极领导参与亚裔社区公益活动。凯西的房地产事业理念和其生活哲学是相同的:「当我优先帮忙别人得到他们想要的,我就会得到我生命中想要的所有东西。」她殷切期盼为您奉献她的时间。

曹凯西 Kathy Tsao具有18年以上房地产专业工作的经验,是纽约曼哈顿的房地产专家,同时也兼顾纽约其他各区;她拥有庞大的国际客群,专精豪华共同公寓、一家庭与多家庭式的物产、已及不动产之投资与开发。凯西坚守「知识就是力量」的信仰,竭尽所能并充份运用她的专业经验以完美达成交易,因此她仍经常参加一些训练课程─此外她还尽可能大量阅读业务相关资讯、参加全国性及国际性的大型会议、以便温故而知新。凯西于少年时即随父母亲移民到美国,在圣约翰大学取得医疗实验科技的专业学位,随后又在纽约理工学院获得企业管理硕士学位。自从单任华美地产商会会长 (2007-2009) 及全美亚裔房地产协会2012主席后,更积极领导参与亚裔社区公益活动。凯西的房地产事业理念和其生活哲学是相同的:「当我优先帮忙别人得到他们想要的,我就会得到我生命中想要的所有东西。」她殷切期盼为您奉献她的时间。

Current Listings

304 East 65th Street 22C, Upper East Side, Upper East Side, NYC - 1 Bedrooms  
1 Bathrooms  
3.5 Rooms - Previous PhotoNext Photo1 of 14
304 East 65th Street, 22C
Upper East Side
1 BR  |  1 BA  |  3.5 RM
Kathy Tsao  (212) 906-9330
1280 Fifth Avenue 16E, Upper East Side, Upper East Side, NYC - 1 Bedrooms  
1 Bathrooms  
2.5 Rooms - Previous PhotoNext Photo1 of 15
1280 Fifth Avenue, 16E
Upper East Side
1 BR  |  1 BA  |  2.5 RM
Kathy Tsao  (212) 906-9330

Past Closings

The following is a list of selected sold properties in which the agent has represented the seller, the buyer, or both:

Cooperatives and Condominiums

Current Market Reports

Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report

Connect with Kathy

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