Michael A.
Brown Harris Stevens Real Estate Agent Michael A. Kovner

Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker
[email protected]
o: 917-742-0539

East Side
445 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10022

About Michael

Languages Spoken:      FRENCH, ENGLISH

Michael Kovner was born in the Doctor's Hospital on the Upper East Side of Manhattan and grew up at 1100 Park Avenue in a unique penthouse apartment. Being a longtime resident of 923 Fifth Avenue, he is an authority on Upper East Side life and dwellings as well as the rest of Manhattan where he has sold several hundred apartments during his accomplished career.

Educated at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania with a major in government, he did postgraduate work at Georgetown University in their Foreign Service School as well as the University of Dijon in Dijon, France. He served as...

Michael Kovner was born in the Doctor's Hospital on the Upper East Side of Manhattan and grew up at 1100 Park Avenue in a unique penthouse apartment. Being a longtime resident of 923 Fifth Avenue, he is an authority on Upper East Side life and dwellings as well as the rest of Manhattan where he has sold several hundred apartments during his accomplished career.

Educated at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania with a major in government, he did postgraduate work at Georgetown University in their Foreign Service School as well as the University of Dijon in Dijon, France. He served as an officer in the US Army, and was posted to the 25th Infantry Division in the Republic of Vietnam. His service was exemplary and he was awarded medals and accommodations which included an ARCOM Medal, Bronze Star and Bronze Star 1st Oak Leaf Cluster.

Mr. Kovner has been with Brown Harris Stevens since 1988. Formerly he was with Douglas Elliman, where he began in 1983, and there he developed a reputation for selling a variety of downtown townhouses and apartments in prewar buildings to discerning uptown customers before there was a broad market for downtown sales. Later, he was instrumental in forging the relationship between Brown Harris Stevens and the Downtown Brokers' Association. Michael brings a commitment to being a team player whereby he is best able to benefit clients, both buyers and sellers. His sought after encyclopedic knowledge of all aspects of real estate is unmatched and he has a track record that affords him an all referral business.

An active member of the Real Estate Board of New York, Michael Kovner sits on two of the committees. He has been on the Education Committee since 1987, a qualified instructor since 1990 and he is an influential member of the Downtown Committee. He created and teaches a course called “A History of Residential Real Estate in Manhattan” which is accredited by the State of New York and is taught to sold out classes.

With a powerful reputation for knowledge, experience and results Mr. Kovner very actively is on 9 boards and is heavily involved with 8 other institutions. In winter, Mr. Kovner and his spouse, Jean Doyen de Montaillou love skiing in the Berkshires and usually make a trip to Aspen or Snowbird during the season. Weekends and summers are for the most part enjoyed at their country house in Greenwich, Connecticut, while August is spent on Nantucket

Michael Kovner est né au Doctor's Hospital dans le quartier est supérieur de Manhattan et a grandi au N°1100, Park avenue dans un penthouse exceptionnel. Étant un résident de longue date du N°923, Cinquième avenue, il fait autorité en ce qui concerne la vie et les demeures du quartier est supérieur.

Ayant fait ses études au Lafayette College d'Easton, l'accent étant mis sur les études concernant le gouvernement, il a poursuivi des travaux de troisième cycle à l'école des affaires étrangères de l'université Georgetown ainsi qu'à l'université de Dijon, à Dijon, en France. Il a rempli ses obligations militaires comme officier dans l'armée des États-Unis et faisait partie de la 25 ème division d'infanterie stationnée en République du Vietnam.

M. Kovner fait partie de Brown Harris Stevens depuis 1988 ; il y est entré en 1983 et s'y est créé une réputation en tant que vendeur de différentes sortes de maisons de ville et d'appartements situés dans des bâtiments d'avant-guerre dans le secteur du bas de la ville, ventes réalisées auprès de clients avertis du haut de la ville et cela bien avant que se développe un marché conséquent dans le bas de la ville. Il a plus tard été la cheville ouvrière dans la relation qui s'est développée entre Brown Harris Stevens et l'association des agents du bas de la ville. Michael aime s'impliquer dans un travail d'équipe, c'est ainsi que les clients en retirent le plus grand profit, qu'il s'agisse d'acheteurs ou de vendeurs.

Membre actif du conseil de l'immobilier de New York, Michael Kovner fait partie de deux des comités de ce dernier. Il a fait partie du comité de l'éducation et de la formation pendant de nombreuses années et c'est un membre influent du comité du bas de la ville. Il a créé et enseigne un cours appelé « Histoire de l'immobilier résidentiel à Manhattan » lequel est agréé par l'État de New York.

En hiver, il adore faire du ski dans les Berkshires et a l'habitude de faire un saut à Aspen ou à Snowbird pendant la saison. Il passe la plupart du temps les week-ends et l'été à la campagne dans sa résidence familiale qui se trouve à Greenwich, dans le Connecticut, et le mois d'août à Nantucket. M. Kovner et sa compagne Jean voyagent habituellement avec leur teckel Minnie et leur caniche Daisy.

Awards & Recognition

BHS NYC 35 Year Milestone

Past Closings

The following is a list of selected sold properties in which the agent has represented the seller, the buyer, or both:

Cooperatives and Condominiums

Current Market Reports

Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report
Manhattan Market Report

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